
I am undergraduate student on biotechnology degree at Warsaw University of Life Sciences interested in a bunch of academic fields. I’m planning on learning more about biostatistics, bioinformatics and academic work in general. This website is mainly repository and presentation of my learning materials that I make for myself and others and of my miscellaneous projects – not necessarily associated with my degree course.

Recently I started to take interest in optimizing workflow on my computer and learning various software programs that enable it. This led to me switching from Windows and OSX to GNU/Linux for my main desktop OS. This also caused me to change my views on so called proprietary software, or to actually develop any views on this topic as I was indifferent before I took any interest in it. Because of that I am leaning towards using as much open source programs as it is convenient to (I am of opinion that using only open source programs is cumbersome). Below you can find a general list of things that I use daily for my work.

Software I use

Primary OS: Arch Linux

Secondary OS’es: macOS 10.14 Mojave, Windows 10

All purpose text editor: Vim/Neovim

Typesetting engine: LaTeX and R markdown

Scriptiong Languages: Python, shellscript (bash)

Version Control System: git

Office suite: LibreOffice, MS Office Last modified: